Wednesday, March 16, 2005

friendly gothic lolitas and sinister school girl assassins

is anyone else getting that half-way-through-and-afraid-they-won’t-be-able-to finish-telling-the-tale-by-the-deadline feeling? I am wondering if I have introduced too many elements for a 30 day novel.
But, now that they are there I don't want to purge them. I guess it is best to keep working without thinking of consequence. I have managed to work out the believability-flow kinks so far. Hope I can just continue to glide on that grace.

Day 16: 26,802 words still on track.
Not bad since I skipped yesterday to draw…
are any of you able to write/draw/play music with both right and left hands?


Blogger Autumn said...

I think that if you can see the end and you have 50,000 words by the end of the month, then you've won. BEARING THAT IN MIND - if, after another month, you have allowed your novel to languish and die, then you have lost. Most novels are considerably longer than 50,000 words and, as Jack mentioned in an earlier thread, most writers lose a lot of words in the editing mode. So if you're over 50,000, more power to you. Consider also writing MORE than the quota each day, if you're inspired to do so. There's no cap on words per day.

9:34 AM  
Blogger natalie said...

jack? whasssup?

A- yeah, i have been writing more than the quota, but because i have had such crazzy weekends it end up making up for the missed days rather than being extra. we'll see what happens.

6:34 PM  
Blogger Autumn said...

You are my hero, Natalie. I love how you've embraced this project. Are you having as much fun as I am? I'm finally loosening up enough to enjoy being a world-maker.

9:06 PM  
Blogger natalie said...

it really is fun, for me there is also the fact that my heroines are based on friends so, they are anxious to read, i keep telling them what is happening to their characters, just fragments, one is a HARSH editor though!!
only time will tell, i really just wanted to document my year here, no matter what happens i will be happy,
i guess i am trying to day that it was fun for me from the beginning, no expectations of writing the great american novel or anything, just trying to get all the details of Japanese life in one document,

1:42 AM  

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