Monday, March 14, 2005


I had the luxury of free time today, since Jennie took the baby to the zoo for a couple of hours. I nearly caught up to the Quota. I'm at 22,489 - less than a thousand words short, which doesn't seem nearly as daunting as it would have a week or so ago. I have a feeling that I can catch up easily if I do it this week. I'm sure that I will. I'm not as neurotic as I was a couple of weeks ago, either. At least not where this project is concerned. I hope that you are all doing well.

Line of the day:

I was sitting with a not unattractive man who had just saved my life, who had also been known on occasion to save the world, after having listened to the whole story of how he lost his wife, who was not after all the bimbo that I’d imagined, and I was moping because I might be forced to cancel my date with someone that I hardly knew anyway, someone whose sole asset, to my immediate knowledge, was a nice set of buns and an adorable dimple.


Blogger natalie said...

it is amazing how easy it has gotten to force ourselves to produce, huh?
at first i was really unsure about it, but now, it is like going to the gym, I don't want to, i'd rather watch the buffy the vampire slayer dvds which arrived a week ago from Singapore, but i know i'll feel so good afterwards, and I always do.
This project is like excercise, strengthening some mental muscle whose name i don't know.

"buns?", Autumn?

6:11 PM  
Blogger Autumn said...

She said it, not me.

9:35 PM  

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