More thoughts on writing bad poetry...
We have plenty of time to figure out a format for our month of bad-poetry-writing, so any suggestions are welcome. Jack mentioned the idea of working with themes, either on a weekly or a daily basis. I think that perhaps a one-word theme, thrown out into the blog first thing in the morning, on each day might be helpful, but I also think that sticking to the theme should not be mandatory. Rather, the theme would be a helpful kick in the pants or a challenge.
I thought that it might be interesting to choose a type of source each week. The first week's source might be "Novels." Someone sticks her finger randomly into a novel of her choosing and grabs the first word.
For example, I pick up Memoirs of a Geisha, flip randomly to a page...which happens to be, let's see...ah, 115...and the word is...interesting..."underrobes."
The next week we might use "Reference Books" as a source. Atlases, thesaureses, dictionaries, medical dictionaries, technical handbooks.
Example, I have a dictionary on hand...all we go, page 119...gulp..."gastropod." Well, that would certainly be a challenge.
And so on. I'm sure you get the idea. Let me know what you think. And throw down any ideas you might have.
themes like a nightmare, a childhood figure, something that makes you wretch, could be cool too,
i agree that we should not make the challenge mandatory, just extra props for getting it in there
we have to post the poetry even if it is embarassing!
Yes, of course. I've already begun writing bad poetry, but I posted it on my other weblog, where it felt more at home. Once the month begins, I'll start posting here.
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