Thursday, April 14, 2005

More thoughts on writing bad poetry...

We have plenty of time to figure out a format for our month of bad-poetry-writing, so any suggestions are welcome. Jack mentioned the idea of working with themes, either on a weekly or a daily basis. I think that perhaps a one-word theme, thrown out into the blog first thing in the morning, on each day might be helpful, but I also think that sticking to the theme should not be mandatory. Rather, the theme would be a helpful kick in the pants or a challenge.

I thought that it might be interesting to choose a type of source each week. The first week's source might be "Novels." Someone sticks her finger randomly into a novel of her choosing and grabs the first word.

For example, I pick up Memoirs of a Geisha, flip randomly to a page...which happens to be, let's see...ah, 115...and the word is...interesting..."underrobes."

The next week we might use "Reference Books" as a source. Atlases, thesaureses, dictionaries, medical dictionaries, technical handbooks.

Example, I have a dictionary on hand...all we go, page 119...gulp..."gastropod." Well, that would certainly be a challenge.

And so on. I'm sure you get the idea. Let me know what you think. And throw down any ideas you might have.


Blogger natalie said...

themes like a nightmare, a childhood figure, something that makes you wretch, could be cool too,
i agree that we should not make the challenge mandatory, just extra props for getting it in there
we have to post the poetry even if it is embarassing!

6:22 PM  
Blogger Autumn said...

Yes, of course. I've already begun writing bad poetry, but I posted it on my other weblog, where it felt more at home. Once the month begins, I'll start posting here.

7:40 PM  

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