Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Whew. I was a little worried.

Today I was more nervous than I was yesterday, which doesn't diminish how nervous I was yesterday. I was shaking and moaning nervous today.

I typed a paragraph, and then I deleted it and cursed myself for ever contemplating writing a novel. I reminded myself that even my grocery lists had been shabby and lacking in imagination recently. I also informed myself that no one liked me and that everyone who pretended to like me was just trying to get my money. Then I remembered that I have no money, so I became more nervous because it occured to me that the only reason, other than money, that people would pretend to like me was because they belonged to a black market ring that sold body parts. Maybe these back-stabbers were really going to stab me in the back! And remove my kidney!

Then I stared at the blank screen. And stared. And stared.

Then I typed another line or two. And deleted them. And called myself several names that I won't repeat. And threatened to hire a hit man to run over me with a banana truck if I didn't write something half-way decent before Tim came home with the baby.

Then I wrote another paragraph. And another one. And they weren't too terrible. They weren't terrible at all, really. Well, maybe a couple were stinkers, but I let them stay because I was running low on time, and I wanted to reach my quota.

And that's the end of that story. My grand total for two days (about five hours) is 3506 words.

And I like this line:

My first thought upon seeing all of these successful Fladger Parsonses was that some names are just better than others.


Blogger natalie said...

Autumn... it may be pathetic and show that we are a real dodgeball kinda team (losers trying to make good at writing) but this post make me want to hoist you onto my shoulders and run under a rainbow of streamers... you rock!!!!!
btw, tell me something about your story...

Jack, i am with you, we tried to go to the "Mexican" place but it turned out to be a creepy Spanish place with strange salted hams hanging from the cieling and 40 dollar entrees, so we hopped over to a thai place and had nomihodai (all you can drink) the selection was shit so i was trying to suck down as much tropical fruit wine and cassis soda as possible in the allotted hour, like kool aid,or pez water but doesn't get you drunk at all, so i am still painfully full this morning and have a bitch-beverage hang-over.
None-the-less the momentum must be maintained....
have you decided anything new about your character? any plot lines?

5:57 PM  
Blogger Autumn said...


We all love you and think that you're special...and I don't mean tin-foil-helmet-wearing special, either, though you'll do in a pinch. We believe in you, man. You can do it. Right, gang? Let's hear it for Jack! Hoorah!

8:32 PM  
Blogger Autumn said...

Thanks, Natalie. I can feel the love! We're going to make it after all!

If my novel was a TBS Superstation Movie of the Week, the commercial would say something like this:

"One CPA, unhappy with her humdrum existence, hits the bigtime when her spy novel is optioned to Hollywood. But when the bad guys of her imagination turn out to be stranger AND MORE DANGEROUS than fiction, HILARIOUS results ensue!"

8:37 PM  
Blogger natalie said...

maybe you are the next incarnation Buddha

10:52 PM  

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