Two Days of Anxiety
I was so excited when I initially decided to spend March writing a bad novel. The ideas were everywhere. I couldn't wait. That was about a month ago. Somewhere along the way, the steamroller of anticipation and inspiration lost its fuel. I nearly forgot about the plan altogether. Now there are two days to go, and I'm filled with anxiety. And the baby's crying.
the snow is falling heavily here in Niigata city and I am freezing!! so anxious about starting tomorrow, i have made my way to the 1920 in the book of yakuza history i am reading, hoping the hour-long trian ride home tonight provides me with the time to finish before tomorrow... no baby crying here, just the exmas of japanese high school students to grade, thier opinion on dresss code... amazingly, most like the dress code,though some say clothes do not move well??/
ps, i think that with each post we should update the word count for the novel.
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Updating word counts is a great idea. It'll keep us on our toes. It'll keep us on edge. "Oh no that biotch did not write 2134 words in an hour. Well, I'll see her 2134 words and raise her 12. Ha, ha." Jack and I talked about the onslaught of panic - no one wants to be "that guy" (read: the one who peters out at 2000 words). But that sense of having to hang in to the end just to save face might be the ticket to success. In the meantime, my tummy is twisty and my heart is pittery-pattery and I might be in love or I might be having a heart attack or I might be a woman on the edge of a nervous breakdown. But I do like this bloggery thing. Although I still don't like the word "blog." "Blog" sounds like a particularly fat swamp monster mucking through a waist-deep puddle of tapioca pudding.
nice to meet you, Jack!
okay, i have to admit that i adore the documentary feel of this b::log already, i will see what i can do about getting other people to join, but i just don't see many other people wanting to subject themselves to hours banging away at the keyboard, most of my eligible friends are either skiing, too lazy or too busy exploring the wonder of uncircumcised japanese penises to write
and Autumn, as far as i am concerned, we CAN call it something else, since as i have already told you i really could care less for the whole -og rhyming family (except for fog) .. my nerves are already tremouring (is that a word) with nervy excitement.
I'm taking Jack's advice. I sent an email announcing our blog, ech, journal, to my family, friends, and casual acquaintances. I think that it's going to be a hoot. We're all so different, and our reactions to the stress, strain, trauma, triumphs, tragedies, etc. should be unique. And maybe we'll put some other neurotic writers at ease.
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