Kurachi-gumi means dark blood society (2619 words)
and it is that name of my wicked yakuza gang
I have transformed the story to 7 western women (1 Canadian, 2 American, 1 Irish and 3 Brits, though one is an American hybrid) move to Japan thinking that they will be teaching English only to find out that they are locked into a year long contract that requires fighting an evil sect of the Yakuza and consuming ancient herbs which give them animal sensory capabilities. I have introduced an ancient feud between Inari the Japanese rice goddess and a mortal who got caught trying to steal her secrets and was turned into a serpent and caged in a pond, 2619 non-linear words, I have also begun the glossary of essential Japanese words and British slang. But I had lots of coffee and no classes to teach yesterday. Today I have a full class load and girls night at a “Mexican” restaurant. (It amazes me the way that Japanese can make any ethnic cuisine awful, small portioned and Japanese-ish)
favourite part so far: description of kappa:
(Kappa were strange freshwater creatures with webbed hands and feet, a shell like a turtle, beaks and an indentation on the top of the head used to carry water. The bearing of this water enabled them to leave the pond or river of their residence for a short period of time. While the spilling of this water rendered them powerless outside of the water. They were greatly feared by people who would go to great extremes to avoid any pond rumored to have kappa in it, but especially the pond which housed a serpent and kappa. They were a source of fear because they were said to drag victims to the bottom of the river or pond, hold them there until they drowned, then remove their livers, turn their bowels inside out and discard the bodies on the shore.)
Nice start, Speed Racer. That must be some coffee. I mentioned this in an email to you, but for the sake of everyone who might not know:
In order to reach 50,000 words within the space of a 30 day month, the writer must average about 1667 words a day, I think. I read this fact in the book that I mentioned called No Plot, No Problem: How to Write a Novel in 30 Days. March has 31 days, so we have a little leeway. Also, some days will be better than others. 2619 words in one day ain't nothing to sneeze at, sister. And if you can do it one day, I'll bet you can do it another.
Glad to know that you weren't lost in the vowels of hell or suffering from analogy.
I like the description of the kappas, especially the part about turning the bowels inside out. That's pretty gutsy for a vegetarian. Oh. And the part about carrying the water on their heads. Did you make that up?
Do each of the women have different animal senses? Or do they all have access to any animal senses?
I think that I'd like to be a cute little bat. Then I could have the fuzzy mammal thing going on, but I could also fly. Sort of. And I could be supersonic. Bats are supersonic, right? But bat senses may not be as cool as guppy powers. I don't know. I'll think about it tonight and get back with you.
the girls all have acces to the same powers, from am amalgam of herbs much sought after by martail arts masters, they have quickness night-vision, excellent sight, scent and hearing, some if they are lucky can also jump and climb amazingly, we'll see,
kappas are real, whenever i want to make my students laugh i refer to kappa or tengu, some japanese monster, which incidentally are the only Japanese words i seem to have the capacity to master.
i'm only at 610 words right now, and have so many responsibilities today.. i shoud not complain, this is my last week of classes this month then free time galore...
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Hiya! Welcome, Jeff. Glad to have you here.
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