I mean, it's fine for a real person, but I don't like it for a fictional person. Any suggestions? New Orleans. ADA. Married (unhappily). Boyish charm. Any suggestions?
I've decided on Anthony Perron. Anthony from the main character of Sartre's Nausea and Perron from the character based on Camus in deBeauvoir's The Mandarins. I want to really embrace the existential dilemma here. (That, ultimately, frees me up to have a novel that does nothing but rambles aimlessly in pontification.)
Brent, Leighton, Andy, Ethan, Reed, Colin...
What do you think, busy lady?
I've decided on Anthony Perron. Anthony from the main character of Sartre's Nausea and Perron from the character based on Camus in deBeauvoir's The Mandarins. I want to really embrace the existential dilemma here. (That, ultimately, frees me up to have a novel that does nothing but rambles aimlessly in pontification.)
Ooooh aren't we a literary name-dropper...
: )
I love the way you think, my dear.
Absolutely. I wear the badge of the nerd proudly.
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